UI/UX   Motion Design   Print   Branding

MovieGeek App

MovieGeek is an app that allows moviegoers to purchase food and movie tickets in advance.

Project Overview: 
MovieGeek is an app for a popular movie grill theater in Houston, TX. The theatre wants to make it easier for people of all walks of life to buy tickets online, get the latest movie news, and order food ahead of time.

Project Duartion:
 November 2021 to February 2022

The problem: People don’t want to spend time waiting in line to buy tickets, and then waiting again to buy food and drinks.

The goal: The app wants to help people save time by selecting seats and selling tickets and food ahead of time.

In creating this app, I have conducted user research, interviews, developed wireframing, created prototypes, conducted usability studies, and developed a design system.

The low-fidelity prototypes helped me determine the user flow. After testing it with several people, I have gained valuable insights into how users navigated the app.

Further development
After creating a low-fidelity prototype, I moved onto adding and refining elements such as color, typography, and layout.

Style Guide

It was helpful to create a sticker sheet with all the elements in different stages.

High-fidelity prototype

Working on this project taught me how to turn user observations and feedback into actionable items that help me improve the design.